30 Of The Most Powerful Images Ever

A picture is worth a thousand words, but not all pictures are created equal. The pictures we usually feature on Bored Panda can be cute, beautiful, funny, or enchanting, but these pictures are powerful. They are gripping and unforgettable because of the volumes they speak about the human condition – about some of the best and worst moments of contemporary human existence.

We should warn our readers that some of these pictures may upset them, while others may fill them with joy. But that’s precisely because these images reflect some of the best and worst parts of the human experience and world events. Our post of must-see photos from the past described our history while these photos, for the most part, describe our present – our suffering and our triumphs, our perseverance and our failures, our compassion and our hatred, our intelligence and our stupidity. Continue reading

200 Ways to Make Money From the Internet

200 Ways to Make Money From the Internet

As the name might imply, there are a lot of items on this list of ways to make money from the internet (over 200 to be more specific), so be prepared for a lot of scrolling because this is one seriously long infographic. That being said, there’s nothing wrong with a long infographic if there’s plenty of useful information in it -and there certainly is in this great graphic. Continue reading